Fun during a Pandemic

6 Games to Help You Have Fun during a Pandemic

Are you bored? Are you tired of getting holed up in your house with annoying kids? Sick and tired of being sick and tired? If you’re like us, stuck at home, and desperately require some social interaction, the pandemic must have opened your eyes to how much you didn’t appreciate the light-hearted moments you previously shared with your circle while playing in video games.

In addition to being in a good mood, computer games provide an opportunity to win millions of dollars. Such an opportunity is provided by e-sports tournaments in KS-Go dota2 or other giant games. But even if you are not an esports player, you can still win free 10 euro without visiting a casino, but simply by playing an interesting game.

One of the fundamental needs of a human being is social interaction, and not being able to see your friends or loved ones physically is stressful. Besides, commenting on your friends’ status on Facebook or following them on Twitter doesn’t give you the buzz that meeting them would. 

In our search for activities that would bring our friends and family closer to us during the pandemic, we stumbled upon a few online games ideas. Trust us when we tell you playing online games during quarantine is the best you’re going to get as far as social interaction during the pandemic is concerned. 

What’s that you say? No time to play online games during isolation? Once you’ve read about the ones we’ve chosen for you, you’re going to stop wondering why online games are popular with your teenager or 8-year old. Get on board!

  1. Gummy Drop! 

This one is for moms looking to get away from their kids for a minute. Play as you catch a breather. You can play this game virtually anywhere (even while on the toilet seat) as it doesn’t need you to give 100% of your concentration. 

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This is one of the online games that allow you to connect with your friends: you can also spy on them and find out how far along your friends are. All you need to do is download it from Apple Store or on Google Play. 

Here’s how to play Gummy Drop: Imagine you’re on a mission, and the best way to succeed is to match puzzles. Each level of puzzles you play is harder than the last one, but with every level you succeed, you get clues to help you along.

2. Houseparty Online Games

No list of online entertainment is complete without Houseparty. To be honest, if you’re craving some interaction, Houseparty is made for you. The best way to play some online games is to gather a group of friends because the more, the merrier. Online games with friends are fun, and this is one that’ll allow you to video call a maximum of seven friends. 

The best thing about this app is that other than the ability to talk and see each other, several online games allow you to play together. Some online games to play with family or friends on this app include Quick Draw, Trivia, Chips, Guac, and Heads Up! 

To play on House Party, download the app on the app store or Google Play, and create the profile link you will use to invite your friends. Once everyone gets online, and they’ve done a mic and camera check, all you have to do is press the dice and select a game that suits you.

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Our favorite one on the app is Trivia, where you get to show off how knowledgeable you are in the different categories of the game.

3. Skribbl

Some online games require you to play with a tablet and stylus, and Skribbl is one of them. It is one of those online games that none of your friends can say no to. If you’re a Pictionary lover, this is one of the online games that’ll brighten up a virtual evening of fun and wine. Therefore, if you don’t mind playing on your phone, you won’t mind drawing with your finger. 

4. Grand Theft Auto

Whether you like it or not, entertainment is a big part of many people’s lives. One of the online games that are popular with teenagers and adults alike is Grand Theft Auto. It’s one of the online games multi-players would kill to have (not literally) as you can have up to thirty players on the same adventure. Nevertheless, some online games, such as GTA, are daunting. 

However, once you’ve gone through the online GTA tutorial, playing is a breeze. As you play, don’t forget to steal a chopper as it’ll help you save much needed time getting around in the game. Be careful, though, with online games such as GTA. Some of them feature a lot of violence and dirty language, which isn’t suitable for young kids. 

5. Monopoly

Before you discredit us for recommending online games like Monopoly, give us a chance. Even though Monopoly is an old-timers past-time, it’s very competitive and easy to play. 

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If you’ve been wondering what online games to play with friends who are competitive like you, this is an excellent option. Furthermore, it’ll help you to keep your investments in check as it’s a trading and property game. You can download Monopoly on App Store, Google Play Store, or play online on

6. Pokemon Go

Why not? Online entertainment doesn’t have to involve sitting in the house for hours on end. The best thing about Pokemon Go is that it gives you leeway to leave the house for a few minutes as you collect Pokemons hiding around your yard or neighborhood. Also, this is one of the few online games coronavirus adjusted. The manufacturers made changes to it that let you find more Pokemons closer to your home. 


There’s no reason why people of all ages shouldn’t play online games. There are, however, online games that are only suitable for adults. Parents need to review online games their kids’ download to ensure their safety online and ascertain that their kids aren’t falling for predator traps. 

Once you’ve taken care of online games safety, enjoy yourself. Choose one of our recommendations and play away.


Which online games fascinate you? Which ones would you recommend to your friends? We’d love to know.

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