How to Remove Any Virus from an Android Phone?

How Do We Know If Virus-infected Our Android Phone?

By installing and using some of the harmful apps like Call recorder pro, wallpaper HD background crashes frequently, and the speed of our android phone getting low. 

In this case, you can try to clear the app cache and free up some space by deleting unusual data and app from your android device. If this problem is not fixed, that can arise through an app. Then there are ninety percent chances that our android phone is infected by some of the malicious programs.

Is It Possible To Remove Virus From Our Phones? 

Android virus removal is fairly straightforward and easy. Various types of viruses can enter our android phone easily but it’s not that hard to remove them. If you are one of those who want to know how we can defend our android phone, stick around! 

We will guide you to detect any malware and get it removed as soon as possible. 

When we do activities such as downloading pirated software, music and docs on our android phone, any virus can easily come through, without being noticed. 

It not only can directly affect our confidential data and bank details but also can hamper the important tasks that we perform on our phone.

Let’s start how we can identify any abnormality. 

Now, we can identify the virus than using the given information.

Red Flags / Signs That Indicate A Phone Is Compromised


  • Spiked Data Usage 

Yes, it happens more than often. It don’t notice this unless there is a huge surge. 

A lot of times, apps drain more data than it normally requires. When this happens, it is a clear sign that apps are doing what they are not supposed to do. 

If you are an android user and you notice this happening, it is highly recommended that you uninstall that app as soon as possible.

  • Quick Battery Drain
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Again, we feel this is happening due to the expensive use of our device, which is true in many cases. But this also happens when an app is using more resources that it should. 

Battery often drains quickly when an app is using its roots to get confidential information about you and your device. 

If you are an android user who is noticing a huge fall of battery life after installing a particular app, it is advised to uninstall it as soon as possible. It may be causing more damage that you think.

  • Adware Pop-ups 

Yes, we often face this and ignore as if nothing happened. 

According to several reports, users often click on those aware pop-ups which leads them to unsafe sites where they are told to down some files, which is a virus in most cases. Thus, you are advised not to click on any pop-up unless it is from a reliable source. 

  •  Unfamiliar apps 

If you see any app being installed that you feel you have not initiated, it’s better to uninstall it. It is, without any doubt, a virus. 

Additional Red Flags / Signs

When malware and other viruses have affected our android phone severely, you may get these signs. 

  •   Sometimes you receive a notification that our android phone is getting locked
  •   Everything starts from calls, photos, videos, SMS messages, etc; literally, anything is happening without your control and permissions.


One thing that is common in all of the above cases is overheating. 

If you feel your phone is getting overheated, it is probably a sign that you have been compromised and your phone is infected by malware. 

Steps To Check Overheating

We notice that our phone gets overheated from time to time but it is entirely reasonable. 

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Our android phone is an electronic device and it works due to the movement of electricity, which creates heat and our phone gets heated, according to physics. 

But if a phone is heating usually all the time to such an extent where we are unable to hold it. Then it becomes a serious issue, and it affects the speeding process of our android phone. 

Thus, using this process, we can easily cool down our android phone in order to fix this issue. 

First, you can remove your android phone’s case. It helps you to low down our android phone’s temperature. Now turn on airplane mode to deactivate your battery draining feature. You can follow these tips to cool down your battery:

  • Use less power
  • Install junk cleaning software
  • Make brightness level low on your android phone.
  • Turn off Bluetooth, Wifi, GPS
  • Restart your mobile phone

If the problem continues, there is probably something wrong. 

Try these few steps to check and stop your android phones from getting overheated.

  • Close hardly used the program in the background on your android phone
  • Stop using the phone if you are using it too long
  • Update all your app into the latest version because at times, apps do genuinely overheat due to faulty programming. 
  • Avoid using your android phone when the signal is too poor
  • Charge the battery of your mobile phone properly by using the original USB cable. If your android phone battery is out of date, then you can replace the battery very easily.

If even after following these steps your phone is getting overheated, it’s probably compromised.

Follow These Steps To Remove Any Virus

Step 1: Reboot your android phone into safe mode by using this method

  • Check the temperature of your phone. If it’s hotter than usual, follow the later steps. 
  • Press and hold the power button
  • Once you see the power button at the same time, you can see the reboot in the safe mode option on your mobile screen.
  • Press OK
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Once you restart your android phone. You will see the safe mode at the bottom of your mobile screen.

Step 2: Find the suspicious app that harms our android phone and uninstall it.

Open the setting of your android phone, then find an app and check their notification also which app is harmful to our android device and uninstall it.

In some cases, if you are unable to uninstall the suspicious app, remove administrator access of your android phone. 

Go to the setting option on your android phone, then go under security

You may see the administrator option there. 

Select list of app option that has the right of administration. Click the app you want to remove and confirm, or you can deactivate the administrator privileges entirely.

Using Anti-virus Apps

Many antivirus software’s are developed to scan our android phone. It can help you to prevent any theft and maintain your control and permission from your android phone, encrypt your website traffic, etc. 

It can also check that if you have installed any malicious applications, which may gain administrative access to your android phone. 

Although there are plenty of best antivirus applications, the best ones among them is AVG & Norton apps. They can use a more effective program that suits according to your android phone.


Although we have provided enough solutions to remove any potential threat from your phone, it is recommended that you always stay away from anything that seems suspicious at first glance. 

Make sure you always visit trusted websites and download from trustable sources. It’s better to take precautions than cure.