Best tips for choosing the right location for your data center

The amount of data being produced on a daily basis is increasing every year and this has made a situation where managing data has become very important. Gone are those days when the desktop hardware was enough to store and access the data for a company as every company, regardless of its size, is handling data in a very large amount. This is why data centers have become an important part of the current technology-driven era. Without data center, we will not be able to store, edit and access the gigantic amount of data in such a seamless way.

You will be dumbfounded to know that there are more than 3 million data centers in the United States alone and for every 100 people in the U.S, there is one data center. Data center spread all across the globe come in different sizes and shapes. The main motive of a data center is to reduce the downtime and it can only be done if the risk factors are nullified. There are many risks related to a data center but in this blog post, we are going to talk about the biggest risks related to the data centers; location.

While designing a data center, you will have to keep many things in mind like the equipment used, security, and many other things. But in addition to this, you will also have to choose the location of the data center very precisely. If you will not be able to choose the right location for your data center then all your effort of building a robust and secure data center will go to vein. So, let’s look at some of the best tips that you can use to choose the right location for your data center.

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An ideal data center location will be one that will be within the easy reach of your client and even for your workforce. Close proximity to clients results in speedy response time in addition to a quick recovery. Even while living in a digital age, there will be many clients that will feel more satisfied after seeing your IT infrastructure in person and this is why proximity will play an important role in choosing the right data center location. You can narrow down your options of data center location by analyzing their proximity and then choose the best on the basis of your reach.

Availability of network services and power

If the location that you have chosen doesn’t have proper network services and power lines, then your data center will never be able to function properly. This is why it becomes important to look at whether the potential data center location has a reliable network infrastructure or not. In addition to this, you will need to see that the location offers speed, security, and reliability for your future needs as well. You will also need to consider the location of the substation and the main power station while designing a data center.

Climate control cost

You should know that, in order to function properly, data center needs proper temperature and humidity. The nature outside the data center will determine how hard it will be for you to maintain the right temperature and humidity inside the data center. This is why it is recommended to choose a location that reduces climate control costs and hassle. For example, a data center in UK might sound like a very good idea since the country is growing as an IT hub but the hot climate can become quite difficult to manage if you set up your data center in UK. On the other side, if the climate outside your data center will be too cold then it will result into thermal shutdown.

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Natural disaster

Another important factor to consider while choosing the data center location is natural disaster. You should always choose disaster-free locations in order to avoid any type of catastrophe. If your data center will be hit by a disaster then in addition to damaged structure, you will also have to face long-time power outrage that could result in huge losses. So do a proper assessment of the history of the location where you are going to set your data center.

Author Bio

Kashyapi Prajapati has been involved in the world of accounting software, SEO and cloud computing from a very long time and currently, she is working as a lead content writer with Cloudwalks, a QuickBooks cloud hosting which offers affordable QuickBooks hosting. Cloud computing and SEO is what she eats and drinks.


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