causes Dizziness with Nausea

What causes Dizziness with Nausea?

We’ve all had a brush with dizziness & nausea, either during the morning, or during the day, while moving our head in a specific way, or just before lying in bed at night. 

Dizziness is a feeling like the world around is spinning, & you’re about to pass out. You feel light-headed, off-balance & disoriented. 

Dizziness sometimes is also accompanied by Nausea, & it could be brought on by problems like Vertigo, Migraine &/or low blood pressure.

Aside from these reasons for dizziness & nausea, there are several other factors.

Below, we take a look at the various common causes of dizziness and nausea, & also tell you some home remedies for nausea & dizziness. 

  1. Vertigo

Vertigo is one of the most common causes of dizziness & nausea. Almost a million people around the world suffer from vertigo. 

Vertigo can be best described as a feeling that you or your surroundings are moving, when both are in fact, still.  

If you’re suffering from Vertigo, you might get up every day feeling dizzy & nausea is also a common occurrence. 

Vertigo & nausea are often interrelated, & vertigo almost always appears with symptoms of nausea. 

It’s common for Vertigo patients to experience trouble keeping their balance & feel disoriented while sitting or walking. 

Vertigo is one of the top reasons for dizziness & nausea, & usually goes away on its own. However, if it doesn’t, you should visit a doctor to help you manage your condition.

There are various medicines for dizziness & nausea brought on by vertigo. A certified doctor can help you decide which ones to take based on your specific condition & help with your dizziness & nausea treatment. 

There are also some home remedies for nausea & Vertigo. You can try the Epley exercise, meant to help restore balance by giving a boost to the nerves linking your inner ear, head & eyes. 

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However, if you experience the following along with dizziness & nausea, you must immediately see a doctor for dizziness & nausea treatment:

  • Intense headache, chest pain, breathing trouble, neck pain &/or double vision, 
  • Loss of feeling in arms & legs,
  • Confusion,
  • Problems walking straight,
  • Excessive nausea
  • Seizures
  • Extreme fever

NeuroEquilibrium is one of India’s leading Vertigo diagnosis & treatment clinics. Visit us today to treat Vertigo effectively.

  1. Excessive Alcohol use

One of the reasons for dizziness & nausea is excessive use of alcohol. The reason alcohol gets you feeling dizzy & nausea, is because it thins your blood, which in turn changes the balance of fluid in your inner ear. This change in balance leads to feelings of dizziness & nausea. 

Also alcohol can significantly upset your stomach, thus exacerbating the feelings of nausea. Excessive alcohol use is also one of the top causes of dizziness & nausea. 

Ensure you regulate your alcohol intake & watch what you drink to steer clear of alcohol induced dizziness & nausea. 

  1. Motion Sickness

Motion sickness can be described as feeling dizzy & nausea while riding in a car, train, bus or amusement park. For some people, motion sickness can also be induced by watching TV. The condition happens when there is a conflict between what you’re seeing &/or experiencing, & what your body is sensing. 

Motion sickness leads to feelings of dizziness & nausea, & is also one of the top reasons for dizziness & nausea. 

Motion sickness also causes the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Pale skin
  • Sweating
  • Headache
  • Crankiness

In order to prevent motion sickness, you should consult your doctor to provide you with some medicines &/or exercises to help you feel more comfortable during the rides/watching TV or any other activity. Eating a light meal before traveling, drinking lots of water & reading a book etc. are also among some home remedies for nausea & dizziness brought on by motion sickness. 

  1. Pregnancy
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One of the most common reasons for dizziness & nausea is pregnancy. Nausea associated with morning sickness & feelings of dizziness during the day are early symptoms of pregnancy, & happen due to hormone changes in the body.

Along with dizziness & nausea, if you’re also experiencing the following, it probably means you’re pregnant:

  • Missed Periods,
  • Tiredness
  • Sore, swollen & tender breasts
  • An increased need to pee
  • Excessive food cravings
  • Unexplained headaches

In any case, you should consult a doctor to get yourself checked & know for sure if you’re pregnant or not.

  1. Low Blood Sugar

Sugar is your body’s primary source of glucose, which acts as a fuel for our body & provides us energy. 

When your blood sugar dips too low, feelings of dizziness and nausea, along with shakiness & weakness occur. 

Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, as it’s medically known, is a common condition in diabetes patients who take regular medicines.

If your blood sugar is low, you might also experience the following symptoms aside from dizziness & nausea:

  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Pale Skin
  • Headache
  • Crankiness & Confusion

Home remedies for nausea & dizziness brought on by low blood sugar are eating quick-acting carbs like:

  • Fresh fruit juice
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Honey concoctions or plain honey
  • Hard candies like jelly beans, suckers etc. 

Once these fast-acting carbs get your blood sugar back to normal, eat a balanced meal to keep it stable. 

  1. Anxiety attacks

Anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks, are quite common & are one of the many causes of dizziness & nausea. 

An anxiety attack happens when you face extreme stress, & your body goes into fight-or-flight mode as a result.

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It’s important to note that even though the cause for the attack might be emotional, the symptoms manifest physically.

If a panic attack is the reason for dizziness & nausea, you might also experience the following symptoms in addition to feeling dizzy and nausea:

  • Fast Heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Uncontrolled shaking
  • Tightness in the chest area
  • Feeling hot &/or cold
  • Sweating in palms, feet &/or other parts of the body

Panic attacks usually stop on their own. Talk therapy & medication in some cases might help if the panic attacks occur too frequently.

  1. Migraine

Migraine is described as a kind of headache, causing severe, throbbing pain, often on one side of the head. 

It’s common for Migraine patients to experience mild to severe dizziness and nausea during an episode.

Aside from feeling dizzy & nausea, you can also experience the following symptoms if you’re suffering from Migraine:

  • Light spots &/or flashes called Aura,
  • Develop sensitivity to light, sound & smell,
  • Blurred vision

Migraine is a serious health problem, & you should consult a doctor right away if you experience migraine headaches frequently.

Your doctor can prescribe effective medicines for dizziness & nausea induced by vestibular migraine & helps treat your condition. 

Home remedies for Nausea & Dizziness

There are multiple home remedies for dizziness & nausea treatment. To treat dizziness & nausea at home, the following can come in handy:

  • Drinking water before eating your meals,
  • Avoid taking hot showers & baths,
  • Drinking ginger tea,
  • Eating foods that provide you with vitamin C
  • Eating more fiber like whole grains etc.,
  • Drinking apple cider vinegar,
  • Massage your head

These easy-to-do home remedies for dizziness treatment can prove to be effective for mild dizziness & nausea symptoms. 

In case of severe, frequent dizziness & nausea, you should consult your doctor right away.


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